What’s Better: Fasted vs. Fueled Workouts? This question has been debated and researched for decades with its impacts on performance, muscle building, fat loss, metabolic function, and a variety of other factors. A significant amount of research performed on this subject has looked at men or specifically in competitive athletes, with lesser amounts on active women and the variety of hormonal statuses a female may experience across the lifespan.
In reviewing various studies and sources that do exist for women, we can determine this: Fueled Workouts Win! Here’s why:
- Improves Energy Accessibility: During any type of exercise where your heart rate is over ~60% max effort, the body uses significant amounts of carbohydrates for energy production. The greater the intensity or length, the more carbohydrates are needed. Within a 2 hour window before exercise, you’ll want to choose 15-45 grams of well-digestible carbohydrates, such as fruit/fruit juice, bread/bagels/rice or crackers/pretzels/granola. For longer endurance exercise, research suggests consuming carbs throughout your workout, approximately 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour of exercise.
- Improves Performance: With more gas in the tank comes increased ability to perform and push yourself in each training session. Studies show that individuals who fuel properly before exercise have significantly better performance across the board, but especially when it comes to more cardiovascular exercise, power/high intensity movements or long duration (>60 min) sessions.
- Supports Muscular Recovery: Pairing 15 grams of protein with your carbohydrates before exercise, specifically strength training, has been shown to aid in muscle maintenance and repair in women. Consuming protein before your workout also keeps your resting metabolism elevated post-exercise, improving your recovery and ability to build muscle.
- Helps Meet Daily Needs: Allocating carbohydrates and protein before exercise helps you achieve daily needs in a specific way that supports training vs larger loads at other times in the day where your muscles are less receptive to using these fuel sources.
- Fasted Workouts WON’T Increase Fat Burning: A once popular myth has been disproven through research, specifically for women who exercise in the morning. Since cortisol (our stress hormone) is elevated in the morning and exercise continues to add stress to the body (in a good way!), having the “double stress” state has shown to cause the body to stay in flight or flight mode. This over-activates the sympathetic nervous system and causes the body to be in a catabolic state. As a result, the opposite impact may occur and the body won’t perform or progress optimally.
Other Aspects to Consider:
- Timing: the less time you have before your workout, the more digestible your fueling needs to become. Aim for a more liquid-based snack, such as applesauce or orange juice with a half scoop of whey protein powder.
- Limit Fat & Fiber: food items higher in fat and fiber (think nuts/seeds/nut butter/avocado/whole grains) slow down digestion, which will hinder your ability to rely on these energy stores during exercise. This may also cause feelings of indigestion or “sloshing” of food that isn’t digested as you begin to move.
Pre Workout Fueling Ideas:
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